Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).

Track: Software Architecture Modernization

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  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
, (Mittwoch, 05.Februar 2025)
11:00 - 11:45
Mi 1.2
AI - What could it do for existing software systems ("brownfield") and their further development?

AI for testing to generate test code or AI for coding (see Copilot) to suggest good code examples; this is almost "state-of-the-art". But isn't something missing? Aren't we largely dealing with brownfield software that needs to be transformed in order to be cloud-ready and scalable? Couldn't AI help here too?

In the presentation, we will look at what AI-based methods could do to simulate architecture restructuring (based on data that goes beyond code to evaluate feature/temporal coupling,…

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Egon Wuchner, Enes Alatas
Raum 13b
, (Donnerstag, 06.Februar 2025)
14:30 - 15:30
Do 1.3
Re-architecture enterprise applications with the help of AI - A field report


When modernizing enterprise applications that were developed many years ago and adapted over decades, you are often faced with several challenges.

  • What does the current architecture actually look like?
  • Which technologies have all been utilized?
  • Which and how much technical debt, i.e. things that would have to be changed anyway, are hidden in the source code?

Normally, various developers have "immortalized" themselves in the code and the architecture. And a uniform and…

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Thomas Kashofer
Raum 13a
17:00 - 18:00
Do 1.4
Fitness Functions for Your Architecture

Fitness functions are an essential part of evolutionary architectures – and they can also bring desired structures and properties to legacy code bases, step by step. But how do they look like in practice? What kinds of fitness do they check and assert?

After a general introduction to fitness functions we'll do a deep dive into some concrete examples, covering use cases for common architectural patterns. We'll see examples in Java code, based on ArchUnit and jMolecules. But the basic ideas and…

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Thomas Much
Raum 13a
