Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).

Thema: Testing

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  • Montag
  • Dienstag
  • Donnerstag
, (Montag, 03.Februar 2025)
10:00 - 13:00
Mo 5
Limitiert Bridging the Gap in Testing

Good testing is full of challenges that need to be addressed to bridge the gaps and to improve. This interactive tutorial is about real-world examples of testing challenges from different areas (e.g., test mission, TDD, review and test design, design for testability, built-in quality) and how to overcome them in practice.

Attend this tutorial to

  • get familiar with specific testing challenges based on real-world examples
  • learn how these testing challenges have been solved
  • share experiences on…
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Peter Zimmerer
Raum 13a
14:00 - 17:00
Mo 12
Limitiert Experience mob-programming and TDD to develop a simple game – even as non-developer

How can we contribute to improving the delivery of valuable software?

Not everyone working in IT has deep experience as a software developer. And not every developer has had the opportunity to experience a fast-paced development process using effective TDD in a mobbing session.
- > still, we're expected to deliver ever more complex solutions in ever more connected systems.

This session allows you to deeply experience the development process without needing development skills. We'll be working in…

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Olivier Costa, Edwin Burgers
Raum 04
, (Dienstag, 04.Februar 2025)
10:45 - 12:15
Di 8.1
Test Architect – Why everybody needs (at least) one

What is the difference of a test architect to a commonly known software architect? And why do I need one? What do they have in common and where do they differ? Is there a gap where we need a bridge (Spoiler: yes)? What are the different expectations of other roles on a test architect?

Questions over questions which will be covered in this talk. With examples where it did go well because there was a test architect and examples where things got haywire maybe because a test architect was missing.


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Images in Testautomation

The objective of visual test automation is replace flaky and hard to read selectors with images. Many software packages offer the possibility of using images as selectors, but it rarely works reliably. Appium has the function "findElementByImage," Playwright has functions like "toHaveScreenshot." Code and no-code tools alike provide a number of options to tweak the sensitivity, where both, too low and to high values, produce their own set of artefacts. What makes this so difficult? Doesn't AI…

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Marco Achtziger
Raum 04b
Stefan Dirnstorfer
Raum 04b
, (Donnerstag, 06.Februar 2025)
14:30 - 15:30
Do 5.3
Property Based Testing by Example

Are you tired of trying to find every edge case in your code and write a test for it? Generative testing is the answer to that. In this talk we'll explore how _property-based testing_ is the antidote to brittle and hard-to-maintain test suites. Using examples in C# we'll work through how to take your existing example-based tests and evolve them to use property-based testing to expand your coverage and probe your edge-cases more thoroughly.

Target Audience: Developers, Technical Leaders

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Steve Love
Raum 11
Vortrag: Do 5.3
Themen: Testing
18:30 - 20:00
Ndo 3
ENTFÄLLT: Lessons from the Trenches: What It Actually Takes to Properly Test GenAI Applications

Generative AI is a powerful asset if you know how to tame it. As this technology rapidly transforms the software landscape, one of the key challenges lies in effectively testing and validating GenAI applications. Traditional testing methodologies fall short in addressing the unique complexities posed by these systems, especially in enterprise environments.

Drawing from real-world experiences and hard-earned insights, we'll explore how to adapt established software engineering principles to the…

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Steve Haupt
Raum 04b
