Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).

Track: Data and AI - Bridging the Gaps

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  • Dienstag
, (Dienstag, 04.Februar 2025)
10:45 - 12:15
Di 6.1
KI: Wann und wann nicht?

"KI ist gekommen, um zu bleiben", ist von vielen Seiten zu hören. Das stimmt. KI ist nicht mehr wegzudenken. Millionenfach finden wir KI in Anwendungen und Funktionalitäten wieder. Die Entwicklung ist rasant und viele wollen noch "auf den Zug aufspringen". Darunter sind auch Lösungen, die ohne KI auskommen und sogar effizienter wären. Umso wichtiger ist es, bei der Planung zu erkennen, wann ein Problem auch ohne KI gelöst werden kann. In dieser Session lernen wir ein paar komplexe Beispiele aus…

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Turbocharging AI Innovation: How AI Platforms Enable The Bulletproof Deployment of GenAI Use Cases

Generative AI is the talk of the town. Anyone who spends just five minutes thinking about AI can surely come up with several useful business use cases. However, all too often, we find ourselves facing the following dilemma: we want to quickly launch our chatbots and assistant systems and bring our ideas to market readiness. Yet at the same time, important, complex, cross-functional aspects such as data protection, compliance, operational readiness, or model fine-tuning often slow down rapid…

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Carlos Fernandez
Raum 13b
Sonja Wegner
Raum 13b
Vortrag: Di 6.1-1
Themen: AI
Vortrag: Di 6.1-2
Themen: AI
14:00 - 14:45
Di 6.2
Shifting Gears: Steering the Automotive Industry into the Future with Data Mesh and AI

Fasten your seatbelt and join an exhilarating session that delves into the transformative world of decentralized data management and artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry. Embark on a journey through the latest trends, innovations, and data-driven decision-making techniques that are shaping the road ahead. Get ready to uncover the revolutionary Data Mesh technology and its pivotal role in propelling the industry forward. Learn about mastering data domains, harnessing data…

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Norbert Putz
Raum 12
Vortrag: Di 6.2
Themen: AI
16:15 - 17:15
Di 6.3
From Search Results to Insights: Learnings from Statista’s GenerativeAI Journey

GenAI services have been rapidly integrated into various digital business models, but what if your data holds better answers? How can this technology be combined with an organization's knowledge and data?

This talk explores Large Language Models (LLMs) and their augmentation with custom data via Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Discover Statista's pioneering journey from rich search results to concise, informed answers with their LLM-based application, ResearchAI. We'll discuss challenges…

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Benedikt Stemmildt, Matthias Lau
Raum 12
Vortrag: Di 6.3
Themen: AI
