Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).

Track: Software Architecture: Bridging Socio-Technical Gaps

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  • Dienstag
  • Donnerstag
, (Dienstag, 04.Februar 2025)
14:00 - 14:45
Di 2.2
Sociotechnical design - Experiencing questions as humans before solving problems with software

Our work with software is a system of systems, comprising technical systems (software, hardware...) and social systems (users, business, teams...). For decades, our primary focus has been on the quality of technical systems. Social capacity (agile, kanban ...) is often perceived as a support for producing software, a means to an end. 

When complicated software systems take on more complex traits in a sociotechnical entanglement, software design need to be evolved from a craft of mechanistic…

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16:15 - 17:15
Di 2.3
Collaborative Software Design: How to facilitate domain modeling decisions

Creating high-quality software is challenging due to a focus on solutions over understanding organizational context. Developers need to engage with stakeholders across contexts. However, stakeholder communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, disrupting knowledge sharing. This often results in autocratic decisions by architects. Achieving sustainable and design decisions, it's more effective to employ visual techniques, improving collaboration with stakeholders.

This talk explores…

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Kenny Baas-Schwegler, Gien Verschatse
Raum 03
17:45 - 18:45
Di 2.4
"Tomorrow I cease to be a Puppet". That's what you think.

Disclosure - this is a talk about people - not about AI. This is a talk about how we will continue to apply our humans strenghts in a world enhanced by AI.

One of the LLM engines I work with seems to think it can take over my job as an architect. I say with some confidence that for the next few decades, my job will be heavily influenced by AI, but not replaced by AI. For example I am presenting and OOP and *it* is not.

Software architects and system architects will not be replaced anytime soon…

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Avraham Poupko
Raum 03
, (Donnerstag, 06.Februar 2025)
09:00 - 10:30
Do 2.1
Architecture in ACTion: Impactful Mind Skills for Tech Leaders

Architecture work can be tough: juggling tech stacks, new tools, facilitating decisions, working with different stakeholders & even some organisational development. Herding cats is easier, isn’t it?

With Architecture in ACTion, I introduce you to decades of practical science on the Human Mind. We’ll dig into Psychological Flexibility and ACT - concepts that are (still) rarely used in biz but have huge impact at work!

Because: Deep tech expertise, domain navigation *and* change skills is a lot!


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Software Excellence in Large Teams through Technical Coaching

Code that is well-designed and easy to understand is cheaper to extend and modify - so you can deliver more value, sooner. Many organizations struggle with older codebases that use outdated designs and have too much cruft.

I found that the technical coaching I was doing was addressing those kinds of issues successfully, but it was slow to scale up to large projects where there are tens of teams of developers working on different parts of the same codebase.

Recently I’ve been using a…

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Cosima Laube
Raum 04a
Emily Bache
Raum 04a
11:00 - 11:45
Do 2.2
The Beauty of Imperfection: Wabi-Sabi for Web Developers

The Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi celebrates the beauty of imperfection. I will explore how applying such principles to software engineering projects can enhance the outcomes. Using the relaunch of my client's content-driven website as a case study, I will demonstrate how an open and positive attitude, combined with flexibility and a readiness to embrace unconventional methods, has led to better results. The aim of this talk is to enable project team members to confidently navigate the…

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Eileen Fürstenau
Raum 04a
