Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.
The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).
Thema: Collaboration
- Montag
03.02. - Dienstag
04.02. - Mittwoch
05.02. - Donnerstag
Agile teams don't want to depend on outside help to solve problems and deliver value. In this tutorial, we will practice culture change through visualization exercises to increase team autonomy and agility and learn how to solve problems collaboratively inside teams by playing the Impediment Board Game.
Culture matters! It can make or break things. Get people moving or inhibit them. Drive people toward results, or drive them nuts. An agile culture is a foundation for an agile way of working and…
Creating high-quality software is challenging due to a focus on solutions over understanding organizational context. Developers need to engage with stakeholders across contexts. However, stakeholder communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, disrupting knowledge sharing. This often results in autocratic decisions by architects. Achieving sustainable and design decisions, it's more effective to employ visual techniques, improving collaboration with stakeholders.
This talk explores…
Bounded Contexts spielen bei Domain-driven-Design-Diskussionen eine zentrale Rolle. Sie gelten als eine vielversprechende Lösung zur Modularisierung von Systemen, sei es in Form von Deployment-Monolithen oder Microservices. Doch die Anwendung in der Praxis bringt Herausforderungen mit sich: Es ist oft schwierig, eine Domäne sinnvoll in Bounded Contexts aufzuteilen. Zudem ist das Konzept nicht einfach zu verstehen. Einerseits steht es für die Aufteilung eines Softwaresystems in Module,…
Die Grundlage für gute Software ist eine gute Architektur. Eine zum System passende Architektur kann jedoch nicht im luftleeren Raum entstehen – um eine geeignete Architektur definieren zu können, muss man die Domäne und ihre Anforderungen verstehen. Moderne Architekturarbeit beginnt somit ein ganzes Stück vor der eigentlichen Architektur. Für diese Exploration der Domäne wurden im Rahmen von Domain-Driven Design (DDD) verschiedene kollaborative Modellierungstechniken entwickelt. Deren Ziel ist…
So... in our organisation we've been busy trying to bridge the gap between Dev and Ops. And we've been moving towards an almost completely automated Infrastructure enablement. We thought we were doing so well. And then... it turned out that even without human intervention, IT infrastructure is secretly still about human interaction. I will tell you our real life story of how we hit rock bottom Developer Experience because as enablement teams we were so focused on IaC and automating everything…
In this constantly changing world, we face new challenges: rapidly changing customer needs, increasing competition, and a shortage of skilled workers. Agility and speed are essential. Adopting Platform Engineering can be key, providing the flexibility and scalability to adapt swiftly, outpace competitors, and bridge the skills gap through automation and optimization.
I will demonstrate, using a real Platform, how Platform Engineering can help companies overcome hurdles and scale issues with…
GAIA-X is a strategic initiative of the European Union in order to support secure and trustworthy dataspaces. But what does it mean to set up a GAIA-X compliant data space, polished powerpoint aside?
In this presentation we will report about our experiences learned from almost three years' work in one of the GAIA-X lighthouse projects "COOPERANTS". COOPERANTS is the world’s only collaborative alliance of industry, SMEs and research institutes in the Aeronautics and space sector that solves…
Architecture work can be tough: juggling tech stacks, new tools, facilitating decisions, working with different stakeholders & even some organisational development. Herding cats is easier, isn’t it?
With Architecture in ACTion, I introduce you to decades of practical science on the Human Mind. We’ll dig into Psychological Flexibility and ACT - concepts that are (still) rarely used in biz but have huge impact at work!
Because: Deep tech expertise, domain navigation *and* change skills is a lot!
Code that is well-designed and easy to understand is cheaper to extend and modify - so you can deliver more value, sooner. Many organizations struggle with older codebases that use outdated designs and have too much cruft.
I found that the technical coaching I was doing was addressing those kinds of issues successfully, but it was slow to scale up to large projects where there are tens of teams of developers working on different parts of the same codebase.
Recently I’ve been using a…
Während einer Product Discovery werden alle relevanten Beteiligten zusammengebracht und so viele valide Informationen wie notwendig gesammelt, um den gesamten Problemraum durch die wichtigsten Anforderungen aller Perspektiven klar zu definieren. Nach dem Motto “fail early” werden darauf aufbauend passende Lösungsansätze erarbeitet, evaluiert und iteriert - erstmal ganz ohne Programmieraufwände. Diese Praxis ermöglicht langfristig ein effektives, ressourcenschonendes Entwickeln und trägt durch…
Immer wieder stehen wir vor der Frage "Make or Buy?" und begegnen dabei featurereichen Platform-as-a-Service- oder Software-as-a-Service-Lösungen, die unsere Anforderungen erfüllen sollen.
Doch ist das tatsächlich so? Unsere Erfahrung zeigt, dass fertige Lösungen von der Stange in den seltensten Fällen genau die Fähigkeiten mitbringen, die unsere Anforderungen erfüllen.
Am Beispiel API-Management stellen wir unseren Ansatz des Capability Journey Mappings als Herangehensweise zur pragmatischen…