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On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.
The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).
Track: Half Day Tutorial
- Montag
Good testing is full of challenges that need to be addressed to bridge the gaps and to improve. This interactive tutorial is about real-world examples of testing challenges from different areas (e.g., test mission, TDD, review and test design, design for testability, built-in quality) and how to overcome them in practice.
Attend this tutorial to
- get familiar with specific testing challenges based on real-world examples
- learn how these testing challenges have been solved
- share experiences on…
How easily can your product team respond to changes in business requirements, technological advances, and new tools? When your code can be secured, upgraded, moved, or modernized with greater ease, you can swiftly and effectively adapt to changes in technology and markets.
We’ll show you how to use OpenRewrite, an open-source auto-refactoring tool, to study and analyze your code before arranging migration and modernization efforts – and then automate code updates for your teams.
Guided by small…
Envision an enterprise where Scrum, LeSS, Lean, and Kanban can thrive fully, bolstering the evolution of your products and services. Welcome to GAME3.
GAME3, standing for Generic Agile Metaframework for Empirical-based Enterprise Evolution, is a game-changer in business agility. It focuses on three key components: A robust leadership system, strategic evolution, and universal rules for the Enterprise.
Whether you're leading a small or medium-sized Enterprise or a division within a larger…
Software stakeholders and users approach technology through the lens of their cultural norms and worldviews. As software designers, we often introduce new concepts and terminology to better address those needs. This can mean adapting or even reshaping their cultural perspectives. But culture, by nature, seeks consistency and conformity, providing a framework to our daily chaos. This consistency can make language and models rigid, often leading to ambiguity. So, how can we navigate and reshape…
When building complex systems, it's easy to focus on features and overlook software qualities, specifically architecture and technical debt. Some believe that following Agile practices—starting quickly, keeping code clean, and having many tests—will naturally lead to good architecture. While an architecture will emerge, if there is not enough attention paid to the architecture and the code, technical debt, and design problems will creep in until it becomes muddy, making it hard to deliver new…
How can we contribute to improving the delivery of valuable software?
Not everyone working in IT has deep experience as a software developer. And not every developer has had the opportunity to experience a fast-paced development process using effective TDD in a mobbing session.
- > still, we're expected to deliver ever more complex solutions in ever more connected systems.
This session allows you to deeply experience the development process without needing development skills. We'll be working in…