Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.
The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).
Track: Product ownership, user experience & requirement engineering - building bridges instead of walls
- Dienstag
04.02. - Donnerstag
Corporate environments can be a tough nut to crack. Many departments and roles are involved, each with different priorities to yours, and you face changes that must be navigated. The Product Owner (PO) accountability, while critical, often doesn’t wield the power Scrum suggests. You can accept this status quo and focus on managing your backlog only, or take action and leverage your POwer to meet product needs and foster productive cross-department collaboration.
Join me if you want to:
- Discover…
In the pressure cooker of product development, success depends not just on processes but on the strength of informal networks—the trusted relationships that cut across hierarchies and silos. Companies that fail to cultivate these networks struggle to adapt, innovate, and deliver.
At this session, we will explore how to intentionally foster informal networks that drive product development forward and enable seamless collaboration across departments, ultimately aligning efforts with business goals…
You know our natural world is burning and climate disaster is upon us. We need system change - not climate change. We as IT people are in the perfect position to help the system change happen, because what we do in IT product development matters; rather a lot to be honest. Let's uncover better ways to develop IT products in a more sustainable way.
This talk will take you on a crash course of thinking like a 21st century economist (it will be all about doughnuts), principles of circular design…
Während einer Product Discovery werden alle relevanten Beteiligten zusammengebracht und so viele valide Informationen wie notwendig gesammelt, um den gesamten Problemraum durch die wichtigsten Anforderungen aller Perspektiven klar zu definieren. Nach dem Motto “fail early” werden darauf aufbauend passende Lösungsansätze erarbeitet, evaluiert und iteriert - erstmal ganz ohne Programmieraufwände. Diese Praxis ermöglicht langfristig ein effektives, ressourcenschonendes Entwickeln und trägt durch…
Immer wieder stehen wir vor der Frage "Make or Buy?" und begegnen dabei featurereichen Platform-as-a-Service- oder Software-as-a-Service-Lösungen, die unsere Anforderungen erfüllen sollen.
Doch ist das tatsächlich so? Unsere Erfahrung zeigt, dass fertige Lösungen von der Stange in den seltensten Fällen genau die Fähigkeiten mitbringen, die unsere Anforderungen erfüllen.
Am Beispiel API-Management stellen wir unseren Ansatz des Capability Journey Mappings als Herangehensweise zur pragmatischen…