Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.
The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).
Track: Keynote
- Montag
03.02. - Dienstag
04.02. - Mittwoch
Software is changing our world – and the speed of change is increasing. Continously evolving business demands, software technology advances, and social changes mean that gaps can quickly arise between the actual state of a software and its desired state. Not reacting to these gaps can lead to software no longer being competitive or marketable. Reacting too quickly can lead to software becoming “immature” with corresponding negative business impact. Bridging the gaps is not easy and requires…
In diesem Vortrag werden wir einen Überblick über die aktuellen Angriffsvektoren in der Cybersicherheitslandschaft geben und die spezifische Bedrohungslage in Deutschland beleuchten. Wir diskutieren, wie technologische Entwicklungen wie Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz die Bedrohungen verändern und welche Auswirkungen diese auf die Sicherheitslage in Deutschland haben. Der Vortrag bietet zudem eine Perspektive darauf, welche Maßnahmen erforderlich sind, um den neuen Herausforderungen…
In my lifetime, we’ve experienced the equivalent of 20,000 years of change. Nonlinear change. We’re the architects of change, yet we seem to do the same things again and again, expecting different results. Digital information systems have a staggering effect on relational complexity. Yet, we still approach software development in a mechanistic, industrial & reductionistic way. To design information systems, we need to think in systems. Don’t just adopt Kubernetes, change the structure of your…