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Unsere Empfehlung: Die Virtual Deep Dives

Mehr als 30 Jahre OOP-Erfahrung trifft auf moderne Innovation: Taucht mit uns tief in die wichtigsten Themen gegenwärtiger Software-Architektur ein – auf den "Virtual Deep Dives | powered by OOP".

Diese Konferenz versteht sich als Online-Ergänzung zur OOP München und bietet die Möglichkeit, sich intensiv und interaktiv mit den neuesten Trends und Best Practices in der Software-Architektur auseinanderzusetzen. Unsere Expert:innen und Branchenführer werden tiefe Einblicke in ihre Arbeitsweise geben und wertvolles Wissen teilen, das Sie direkt in Ihre Projekte integrieren können.

» Zu den Virtual Deep Dives

Rückblick auf das Programm der OOP München 2024

Die im Konferenzprogramm der OOP 2024 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).

Secure by Design – the Architect’s Guide to Security Design Principles

Architecture work has to balance providing clear guidance for important decisions with empowering people to build their aspects of the system without interference. In this session we'll explore how security principles can help achieve this for application security. The talk explains how principles can guide design decisions without being too prescriptive and explains a set of ten proven principles for designing secure systems, distilled from security engineering practice but presented in accessible language for the working software architect.

Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Testers, Project Managers
Prerequisites: Some experience in developing large scale systems
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
Security is an ever more important topic for system designers. As our world becomes digital, today’s safely-hidden back office system is tomorrow’s public API, open to anyone on the Internet with a hacking tool and time on their hands. So the days of hoping that security is someone else’s problem are over.
The security community has developed a well understood set of principles used to build systems that are secure (or at least securable) by design, but this topic often isn’t included in the training of software developers, assuming that it’s only relevant to security specialists. Then when principles are explained, they are often shrouded in the jargon of the security engineering community and so mainstream developers struggle to understand and apply them.
In this talk, we will introduce a set of ten key, proven, principles for designing secure systems, distilled from the wisdom of the security engineering community. We’ll explain each principle the context of mainstream system design, rather than in the specialised language of security engineering, explaining how it is applied in practice to improve security.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/Eoin.Woods

Eoin Woods is the Chief Engineer at Endava (www.endava.com) where he is responsible for delivery capability and innovation. In previous professional lives he has developed databases, security software and way too many systems to move money around. He is interested in software architecture, software security, DevOps and software energy efficiency. He co-authored three books on software architecture and received the 2018 Linda Northrup Award for Software Architecture, from the SEI at CMU.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/experten/eoin-woods/

Eoin Woods

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