Expo Program

Maturity Model Integrated for Green IT (MMIGIT): A holistic approach to Green IT

The Maturity Model Integrated for Green IT (MMIGIT) offers a holistic approach with 4 solution areas and 23 disciplines to assess the maturity and develop a roadmap for an IT organization to Green IT. One of the 4 solution areas is the "Technical Solution" which includes Green Coding, Green Data Management and Green Architecture as a subset of these disciplines. With the "Assembly Line for Green IT" we also provide a cost-effective approach to improve your IT application to more efficiency.

Experienced in international project management for more than 20 years for several consulting companies. Co-author of the Maturity Model Integrated for Green IT (MMIGIT). Convinced climate saver, happy to be able to support this professionally in his job.

Experienced in business enablement and software quality and test management for 8 years in different domains and industries and for over a year as Green IT professional. Co-author of the Maturity Model Integrated for Green IT (MMIGIT).

Eric Jochum, Ghazal Aakel
17:00 - 17:45
Vortrag: FMi4

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