Conference Program

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All tests are green? Oh no!! Why it is sometimes good, if a test fails

Test coverage: 100% - Check!
And why do we still have bugs?
OK, tests don't prove the absence of errors.
And at the end of the day, they are just code which could contain bugs as well.
And perhaps they give us a false sense of security.
But how do I know, that my test are good?
One way to find out is using Mutation Testing.
In this talk I want to explain, what Mutation Testing is, how to do it and when it is helpful.

Target Audience: Developers, Achitects, Testers
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in Programming, some experience in writing tests
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
More and more teams are writing tests for their production code, be it by applying concepts like TDD or BDD or by just writing them "after the fact". Sometimes there is also a test coverage metric that needs to be met. The positive effect is definitely that there are tests. Be it for my future self or a future colleague or as a form of documentation.
Tests are a means of telling something about the quality of production code. Mutation testing can help tell something about the quality of tests. It helps to find missing tests and potential bugs.
The concept of mutation testing is already more than 50 years old, but its application has not yet become widespread.
This talk should encourage you to take a closer look at mutation testing to find out what possibilities it offers in your own project, but also to see what disadvantages or pitfalls there are.

Birgit Kratz is freelancing software developer and consultant with more than 20 years experience in the Java ecosystem.
Her domain as well as her passion is using agile development methods and spreading the software-crafting ideas.
This is why she is a co-organizer of the German software crafting community (Softwerkskammer) events in Cologne and Düsseldorf for many years now.
And she helps organizing the SoCraTes conference (Software Crafting and Testing Conference).
To balance her job activities she rides her road bike quite extensively.

Birgit Kratz
09:00 - 10:30
Vortrag: Di 3.1-1

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Shifting accessibility testing to the left

How often have you heard that ‘Yes this is important, but we don’t have the capacity right now’ or ‘sure let’s put it in the backlog’?
This is something we should not brush off or take lightly. Accessibility testing is vital especially when your product is a user facing application.
We need to be socially aware as a team and build quality towards our product with making it more accessible.

Target Audience: Everyone as Accessibility is for social awareness
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
At least 1 in 5 people in the UK have a long term illness, impairment or disability. Many more have a temporary disability. A recent study found that 4 in 10 local council homepages failed basic tests for accessibility.
This is quite vital and the sooner we as testers can advocate this into our teams, we make our product more accessible, reduce the risk of bad product reviews, reputation and also be more socially aware. Let's shift left and make accessibility testing built-in our teams.

  1. Understand why accessibility testing is important?
  2. How I adapted accessibility mindset?
  3. How to coach team and bring accessibility into your teams?
  4. Demonstrate various tools available to perform accessibility testing (with demo)

Laveena Ramchandani is a dedicated and experienced Test Manager with over 10 years of experience in the field. She is deeply passionate about continuous learning and sharing knowledge within the testing community. As a leader in data science testing and testing in general, Laveena has significantly contributed to enhancing the skillsets of individuals within the industry, particularly through her impactful presence on digital platforms.
In 2022, Laveena was recognized as a finalist for the prestigious Digital Star Award at the everywoman in Technology Awards. In addition to her recognition, she has been featured on several podcasts and blogs, serves as a trainer for new testers with The Coders Guild, and is a sought-after international speaker. Her commitment to the community continues to inspire and shape the next generation of testers.

Laveena Ramchandani
09:00 - 10:30
Vortrag: Di 3.1-2

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