Conference Program

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Pragmatic Scaling: Agile Leadership for Sustainable Business Agility

Sustainable success for agile in the large needs leaders to shift their focus from managing people to managing the system so that people can thrive.
This session builds on our successful OOP 2023 session ("Pragmatic Scaling to Business Agility: Crafting Organisations for Innovation where People can Thrive") by:

  1. Focussing on how leadership should be different in an agile organisation.
  2. Sharing experiences of applying the model with real clients.

Participants will assess their own leadership and identify "nudges" for developing further.

Target Audience: Leaders, Agile Coaches, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Managers
Prerequisites: Practical experience with one or more agile frameworks
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
This interactive workshop presents a pragmatic approach for scaling agile. The approach is based on five shifts needed in typical organisations to get agile to work well at scale. It guides how to find the right balance for each shift, using the current context of the organisation. In this way it not only presents the end state, but also the possible steps to implement each shift.
At OOP 2023, we facilitated a successful interactive 90-minute session entitled "Pragmatic Scaling to Business Agility: Crafting Organisations for Innovation where People can Thrive".
This introduced 5-shifts that organisations can make to help agile to thrive. Participants assessed their organisations against the shifts and identified "nudges" to develop their agile approach.
This proposal builds on that session by:

  1. Zooming in on how leadership should be different in an agile organisation.
  2. Sharing experiences and stories of applying the model with real clients.

The workshop will provide participants with insights into the future of leadership and leadership in a scaled agile environment.
They will also apply the model to their own context or a context they are familiar with and identify options for their future growth as agile leaders.

Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen is a Registered Scrum Trainer and has led agile evolution in organizations. He has written several articles with Jeff Sutherland and speaks at Agile conferences. He is one of the early Agile and Scrum pioneers in Denmark. His career started with Sun Microsystems in Silicon Valley, and later he returned to Denmark where he joined Systematic in 1998. Since 2006 Carsten has led change management and transformations in organizations to adopt Scrum and Agile values. He has written several articles with Jeff Sutherland and is a speaker at international Agile conferences. Since 2017, Carsten has worked primarily with larger organizations to drive agile transformations. In most organizations he has done this with Scrum training, Agile workshops, onsite consultancy, and close collaboration with leaders in the organization.

Simon John Roberts is an agile and leadership coach and Certified Scrum Trainer. He has used lightweight/agile methods since the late 1990s and works with organisations large and small to help them achieve better results by leveraging the power of self-organising teams. He has consulted for and led several large-scale agile transitions at DAX companies in Germany, is the author of several articles and speaks regularly at conferences on the subject of agile leadership. Simon holds an MBA specialising in Creativity, Innovation and Change from the Open University Business School.

Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen, Simon John Roberts
18:30 - 20:00
Vortrag: Ndo 3

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