Conference Program

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Smoothen Your Journey into the Cloud – Fifteen Factors of Success

Organizations are drawn to migrate their systems into the cloud, but in practice, cloud transformations do not always succeed in achieving the advantages often promised by cloud providers, such as scalability, availability, and cost effectiveness.
We give an overview over Kevin Hoffmann's fifteen factors for cloud-native applications and how they help us achieve success in our cloud migrations.

Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Operations, DevOps
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of web services
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
You think you are already reaping the cloud's harvest by lifting and shifting your apps to some cloud-provided VM or container infrastructure?
You've already read about Heroku's (original) twelve factors, maybe even skimmed though Kevin Hoffmann's book, and think your app is good enough, because you are using Git, have a CI pipeline, and someone in the team once ran the app in a Docker container?
Or you think your team isn't going to the cloud any time soon and this advice does not apply to you anyway?
Maybe you're right. Chances are, you are in for a surprise, though.
The original twelve factors for cloud-native application development are (reasonably) well established and widely agreed upon. Yet, in practice, there appear to be some misunderstandings regarding their meaning, and we see cloud migrations fail precisely due to reasons that could be avoided by following these factors correctly. The extension to fifteen factors by Kevin Hoffmann is less widely known, but no less important for modern, cloud-native application landscapes, especially since this extension also revisits and updates the original twelve factors.
The goal of this talk is to disseminate and discuss the fifteen factors, as well as to emphasize their interrelations and embed them in the greater context of modern application development, in order to help reduce pain for many teams tasked with bringing their software to the cloud.

Matthias Dangl worked as a researcher in the field of software engineering at the SoSy-Lab at LMU Munich, and, since then, has accumulated several years of practical experience as a software architect and consultant.

Matthias Dangl
11:00 - 11:45
Vortrag: Mi 3.2

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