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Track: Software Architecture – Systematically Handling Quality Attributes
- Dienstag
30.01. - Mittwoch
31.01. - Donnerstag
Come and hear the story of a company that is on the journey from the old monolithic, on-premise, waterfall world to the new modular, agile, domain-driven, multi-tenant, cloud-based microservices world. The challenges come from different directions: both technical and organizational aspects have to be mastered. The domain has to be understood, so that the system can be structured right. The big bang has to be avoided.
In this talk we will look at how our “fictional” company has struggled with and…
Microfrontends are a popular concept for development in an enterprise project, where a large number of teams want to work independently.
But what is the cost achieving run-time integration and independent framework versions?
JS frameworks intended to build SPAs have solved many problems like deep-linking between pages without reloading the application.
This talk will give you some real life experience which challenges are to be considered using different integration patterns, using…
Architecture work has to balance providing clear guidance for important decisions with empowering people to build their aspects of the system without interference. In this session we'll explore how security principles can help achieve this for application security. The talk explains how principles can guide design decisions without being too prescriptive and explains a set of ten proven principles for designing secure systems, distilled from security engineering practice but presented in…
Are you lost when folks talk about "quality" in the context of software? Just when you thought "high quality" means "good" and "QA" means "assure it's good", somebody hits you over the head with ISO 25010, where "quality" is just a neutral property of a software system. It's all a big happy pile of terminology quicksand where you sink faster the more you struggle for unambiguous and clear definitions. But we're here to help you out. We'll be looking at what's relevant about quality from a…
High traffic during business hours, no traffic at night, weekends and vacations, multiple teams, and several staging environments - these characteristics of a typical enterprise application. Pay-as-you-go, "scale-to-zero" and managed services make serverless architectures appealing for enterprise applications.
On-premise, on the other hand, you get the maximum flexibility and full access to machines with less automation and so more plumbing.
I will compare both approaches with focus on…