Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program of OOP 2024 correspond to Central European Time (CET).

By clicking on "VORTRAG MERKEN" within the lecture descriptions you can arrange your own schedule. You can view your schedule at any time using the icon in the upper right corner.

Track: Half Day Tutorial

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  • Montag
, (Montag, 29.Januar 2024)
10:00 - 13:00
Mo 4
Foundations of Generative AI (LLMs): Speed up your Products and Business Processes

We will dive into the foundations of Generative AI, especially Large Language Models, and how to use them in Products and speed up business processes.
Have you ever wondered how Large Language Models will impact your products? How you can use them to speed up your business processes? And how Security, Data Protection, Tracing, FinOps, … will work in a world of AI?
Product Owners/Managers, Team leads and Managers will benefit from an easy to understand workshop that gives practical advice you can…

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Björn Schotte
Raum 02
Vortrag: Mo 4
10:00 - 13:00
Mo 5
Limitiert Testing Wisdoms to Expand Our Horizons

To expand our horizons in testing, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

  1. What did we learn from the history of testing?
  2. What did we miss and what did we forget?
  3. How can we do better testing in the future?

Therefore, in this interactive tutorial we will identify, discover, investigate, reflect, and discuss testing wisdoms from different categories to answer these questions and to expand our horizons – you are invited to bring your own top 3 testing wisdoms (I will bring my top n)…

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Peter Zimmerer
Raum 03
10:00 - 13:00
Mo 6
Agile Mastery Workshop: Unlocking the Potential of XP Practices with Wardley Mapping

Are you ready to take your agile development practices to the next level? Join us for a hands-on and interactive workshop where we will explore the interdependencies of eXtreme Programming (XP) practices and how they can help you achieve success in your agile journey. Using the powerful technique of Wardley Mapping, we will uncover the gaps in your agile adoption and gain a new understanding of your actual agile capabilities.

Laptop (with browser access) is required.

Target Audience: Architects…

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Andreas Schliep, Peter Beck
Raum 11
Vortrag: Mo 6
14:00 - 17:00
Mo 10
Limitiert Embarking on the path to production: Building robust Generative AI powered applications

Developing functional and effective generative AI solutions requires addressing various challenges. Ensuring moderated content and factual accuracy without hallucinations, integrating proprietary and domain-specific knowledge, adhering to stringent data-residency and privacy requirements, and ensuring traceability and explainability of results all demand meticulous engineering efforts. In this hands-on workshop we will explore strategies to overcome these challenges, learn about best practices…

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Aris Tsakpinis, Dennis Kieselhorst
Raum 13b
14:00 - 17:00
Mo 13
Limitiert Sustainable Development: Managing Technical Debt

As systems become complex, teams can be burdened with technical debt and architectural challenges, slowing development, and ultimately not being as agile and nimble as desired. If not enough attention is paid to technical debt, design problems will creep in until it becomes muddy, making it hard to deliver features quickly and reliably. This workshop discusses ways to sustain development by understating and managing technical debt. We will present the technical debt metaphor including the…

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Graziela Simone Tonin, Joseph Yoder
Raum 03
