Conference Program

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On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program of OOP 2024 correspond to Central European Time (CET).

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Thema: Software Architecture

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  • Montag
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  • Donnerstag
  • Freitag
, (Montag, 29.Januar 2024)
10:00 - 17:00
Mo 3
Domain-Driven Design 101

In the times of microservices, it becomes clear how important Domain-Driven Design (DDD) still is. Only with strategic design (i.e. DDD on a large scale) and the division of the domain into bounded contexts can a sensible cut be found for the microservices.
In this workshop we will take a day to take a closer look at DDD. The workshop consists of alternating lecture, discussion and exercises.

Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Leaders, Managers, Decision Makers, Domain Experts

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Henning Schwentner
Raum 13a
Vortrag: Mo 3
, (Dienstag, 30.Januar 2024)
09:00 - 10:30
Di 1.1
Leading a Software-Architecture Revolution

Software-Architecture Revolution is the process of making profound, large-scale changes to the fundamental structures of software systems to improve its attributes, such as availability, scalability, and maintainability, or to enable new requirements that are incompatible with the current capabilities. Architectural revolution demands substantial effort from the organization and needs effective leadership to be successful. This talk draws from practical experiences (patterns) to improve the…

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Joseph Yoder
Raum 01
09:00 - 10:30
Di 6.1
How to reduce the footprint of Spring Boot applications

In this session we will walk through various techniques to significantly reduce the resource consumption of regular Spring Boot applications, including using Spring AOT for regular Spring apps, compiling Spring Boot apps to native images (using GraalVM), and using CRaC for instant startup (for scale-to-zero scenarios). We will compare the different approaches, discuss pros and cons for each technology, and share concrete numbers from real-world applications to give the audience an idea of what…

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The tragedy of user-centred design

User-centred design is one of the default modes of teams working with software, but the consequences are often unsustainable in a densely networked world as we privilege users over all other stakeholders and systems. How might teams approach building products, services and organisations from a more sustainable standpoint than 'user-centricity'? This talk looks at how the techniques of game design, community development, platform operations and security practices can support a practice focused on…

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Martin Lippert
Raum 11
Simon Edward Bostock
Raum 11
14:00 - 14:45
Di 1.2
These are not the architectures you’re looking for… What agile development needs from architecture

This is not about what an "Agile Architecture" could be. It is about the view from the opposite direction:
How can architecture work look like in order to act as an enabler to work in the spirit of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development?
There are answers to questions like.
•    Why is architecture documentation so rarely read?
•    How much technology focus is helpful and why?
•    What knowledge needs to be built by yourself in the first place?
•    What does programming have to do with…

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Michael Mahlberg
Raum 13a
14:00 - 14:45
Di 2.2
From Legacy to Cloud – Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make Your Own

Come and hear the story of a company that is on the journey from the old monolithic, on-premise, waterfall world to the new modular, agile, domain-driven, multi-tenant, cloud-based microservices world. The challenges come from different directions: both technical and organizational aspects have to be mastered. The domain has to be understood, so that the system can be structured right. The big bang has to be avoided.
In this talk we will look at how our “fictional” company has struggled with and…

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14:00 - 14:45
Di 8.2
Live Hacking Cloud Architectures

As more organizations are moving to the cloud, cloud architectures are getting more sophisticated by having a kind of technology diversity. This includes for example container orchestrators, database services, networking components & virtual machines.
When it comes to security, observability on this diversity is paramount. The main question here is, do you really perceive when your app landscape is under attack?
In this session, you'll have the opportunity to see various attack vectors & ways to…

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Mirna Alaisami, Thorsten Jakoby
Raum 13b
16:15 - 17:15
Di 2.3
Macro and Micro Frontend Architectures in Angular

Microfrontends are a popular concept for development in an enterprise project, where a large number of teams want to work independently.
But what is the cost achieving run-time integration and independent framework versions?
JS frameworks intended to build SPAs have solved many problems like deep-linking between pages without reloading the application.
This talk will give you some real life experience which challenges are to be considered using different integration patterns, using…

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17:45 - 18:45
Di 3.4
Software Engineer's 2034 Playbook

Expanding Horizons, the motto of OOP 2024, invites exciting thoughts about the future of software engineering. What will a developer's working day look like in 2034? What environments, tools, and practices will they use to create, test, deploy, and operate software? What will our daily lives look like in a digitalized world in 2034? What types of software systems will be everywhere? What systems will we use at work? What architectures and technologies do these systems rely on? Frank and Kevlin…

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Frank Buschmann, Kevlin Henney
Raum 13a
Vortrag: Di 3.4
, (Mittwoch, 31.Januar 2024)
09:00 - 10:30
Mi 5.1
Designing Agile Ecosystems with Org Topologies™

In this session, two co-creators of Org Topologies™, Alexey Krivitsky and Roland Flemm, will share a method to design, assess and improve your organizational ecosystem.
They will do that by familiarizing you with a set of organizational archetypes that are easy to spot. Hopefully, you will have much better clarity on which organization ecosystem you want to build and which behaviors you expect it to exhibit.
You shall be able to take this tool home and use it as a map in your ongoing,…

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Roland Flemm, Alexey Krivitsky
Raum 04b
11:00 - 11:45
Mi 9.2
Technical Neglect

Many developers evoke technical debt to explain the misfortunes and troubles of their codebase and delivery. While unmanaged technical debt weighs down an architecture and exerts drag on its schedule, it is more often an effect than a cause. In this talk, we will look at what is and is not meant by technical debt with a view to properly attributing the root and recurring cause as technical neglect than technical debt. Without seeing technical neglect for what it is, we will continue to…

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Kevlin Henney
Raum 13a
14:30 - 15:30
Mi 8.3
Navigating sociotechnical complexity with DDD and friends

Xin has lived and breathed DDD for more than a decade. Drawing on her experiences, Xin makes a case for DDD’s rising relevance in a post-modern world, where aging companies struggle with aging software, while adding new software and complexity to their IT portfolio. With good attractor effect DDD is evolving from a software-centric design discipline to a multi-dimensional toolbox. Join Xin to reflect together on, how DDD can help us sustain meaning and productivity in a reality of vast…

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Xin Yao
Raum 05
17:00 - 18:00
Mi 1.4
How Process Orchestration Increases Agility Without Harming Architecture

A main theme in modern architectures is around fine-grained, isolated, reactive components, that are managed by autonomous teams (think microservices). This is considered key to decoupling, which, in turn, leads to business agility. Unfortunately, this often goes wrong and people end up with more tightly coupled systems, that are hard to understand and change - the opposite of agility. In this talk, I will explore why this happens and provide my view on how process orchestration can improve the…

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Bernd Rücker
Raum 13b
17:00 - 18:00
Mi 2.4
Secure by Design – the Architect’s Guide to Security Design Principles

Architecture work has to balance providing clear guidance for important decisions with empowering people to build their aspects of the system without interference. In this session we'll explore how security principles can help achieve this for application security. The talk explains how principles can guide design decisions without being too prescriptive and explains a set of ten proven principles for designing secure systems, distilled from security engineering practice but presented in…

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18:30 - 20:00
Nmi 1
OO and FP Can’t Be Friends – Yet

Henning (OO to the core) and Mike (ferociously FP) agree on all the fundamentals of software architecture, but when it comes to designing models, they can't seem to find common ground.
OO and FP folks like to congratulate themselves on how well they go together - and how OO languages are accreting one feature after another from the FP world.
Henning and Mike will highlight how OO and FP approaches to design differ, and offer possible approaches to unifying both for mutual gain and insight.


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Michael Sperber, Henning Schwentner
Raum 11
18:30 - 20:00
Nmi 2
Expanding Horizons

Expanding horizons has many facets. It means taking advantage of new opportunities that arise from technical progress, such as Large Language Models, or societal challenges like Sustainability. Expanding horizons also means taking responsibility. AI and data analytics have a direct impact on our future life, good and bad. Expanding horizons also means reflection on existing practice. We have perhaps forgotten the benefits of structured monoliths, or have sometimes overdone it with agility, which…

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Frank Buschmann, Isabel Bär, Carola Lilienthal, Zoe Lopez-Latorre, Xin Yao
Raum 05
, (Donnerstag, 01.Februar 2024)
09:00 - 10:30
Do 1.1
Where do we go from here? – mastering the changed needs of architectural work

Designing good applications has become more demanding than ever: Extremely flexibility. Super-fast to change. Never down. Increasing user demands. Sustainability. Fewer developers. More AI. The list appears to be endless.
Many demands have not existed 10 or 15 years ago. Some have changed dramatically. Still, the discussions regarding architecture barely reflect that. In this session, we will take a look at how the architectural demands have changed and how to tackle the challenges of today…

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Effective Practices for Continuous Software Architecture

Continuous Software Architecture is an approach to software architecture that tries to move architecture from a set of up-front blueprints to a continually developed set of architectural knowledge and decisions. While a simple idea, actually putting it into practice can be difficult. In this talk we will briefly recap the idea of Continuous Software Architecture and then explore the key practices that are usually needed to achieve it, as well as the common problems and how to address them.


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Uwe Friedrichsen
Raum 05
Eoin Woods
Raum 05
Vortrag: Do 1.1-1
Vortrag: Do 1.1-2
09:00 - 10:30
Do 3.1
Performant Component through Customization

Most current UI libraries provide great user experience with a vast of components. But when it comes to heavy customization and non-standard scenarios, especially for E-Commerce, they become hard to manage, scale or even slow down performance. How to create a UI library that provides users the most possible freedom in customizing components, while keeping our performance and scalability to the fullest? How much customization freedom is enough? That's what my talk is about.

Target Audience:

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Latest Developments in Open Source

Last year in open source, we saw the compliance threat shift from license violation to contract violation, we saw the rise of the bill of material as a purchasing requirement, and we saw the continued growth of source-available licenses. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you really need to attend, because your business is at risk if you don't understand these changes. In this annual talk, I will review the last year and speculate about what the future may bring.

Target Audience: Product…

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Maya Shavin
Raum 04b
Dirk Riehle
Raum 04b
09:00 - 10:30
Do 7.1
Loosely or lousily coupled? Understanding communication patterns in microservices architectures

In a microservices architecture, services shall be as loosely coupled as possible. Still, they need to communicate with each other in order to fulfill business requirements. Now there are so many questions around this communication (synchronous vs asynchronous, event-driven? what is the influence on the coupling of your services? ...?). This talk will help you answer these questions for your project. You will better understand not only the architectural implications but also the effect on the…

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Bernd Rücker
Raum 13b
11:00 - 11:45
Do 2.2
Qualityland of Confusion

Are you lost when folks talk about "quality" in the context of software? Just when you thought "high quality" means "good" and "QA" means "assure it's good", somebody hits you over the head with ISO 25010, where "quality" is just a neutral property of a software system. It's all a big happy pile of terminology quicksand where you sink faster the more you struggle for unambiguous and clear definitions. But we're here to help you out. We'll be looking at what's relevant about quality from a…

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Michael Sperber, Alexander Lorz
Raum 04a
11:00 - 11:45
Do 7.2
No-code does not mean no-model

**TL, DR;** Embrace no-code to explore more models and throw most of those models away. You will quickly discover what works, and what matters, in the business process that you are automating. If it matters enough, you can extract it into a high-fidelity design in code.

Target Audience: Everyone with a stake in the software production process
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
Many software projects still consume considerable resources, and take a long time before anything…

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Marijn Huizendveld
Raum 11
17:00 - 18:00
Do 2.4
Enterprise Serverless Monoliths – Or Stay On-Premise

High traffic during business hours, no traffic at night, weekends and vacations, multiple teams, and several staging environments - these characteristics of a typical enterprise application. Pay-as-you-go, "scale-to-zero" and managed services make serverless architectures appealing for enterprise applications.
On-premise, on the other hand, you get the maximum flexibility and full access to machines with less automation and so more plumbing.
I will compare both approaches with focus on…

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17:00 - 18:00
Do 6.4
ENTFÄLLT: Architecting MLOps: The Journey from Identifying ML Use Cases to the ML Platform Architecture

Great engineers often use back-of-the-envelope calculations to estimate resources and costs. This practice is equally beneficial in Machine Learning Engineering, aiding in confirming the feasibility and value of an ML project. In my talk, I'll introduce a collaborative design toolkit for ML projects. It includes Machine Learning Canvas and MLOps Stack Canvas to identify ML use cases and perform initial prototyping, thus ensuring a business problem can be effectively solved within reasonable cost…

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, (Freitag, 02.Februar 2024)
09:00 - 16:00
Fr 2
Ausgebucht DDD infused Wardley Mapping

**TL,DR**; In this course you will learn to map your business and technological landscape in such a way that a common language emerges to discuss strategic thinking and decision-making.
Max. number of participants: 13

Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Leaders, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Basic theoretical knowledge of DDD
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
Organizations face more and more complexity these days as a result of a mesh of products, services, technology and the…

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Marijn Huizendveld
Raum: Xaver
Vortrag: Fr 2
