Conference Program

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On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program of OOP 2024 correspond to Central European Time (CET).

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Track: Architecture – for Humans?

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  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
, (Dienstag, 30.Januar 2024)
09:00 - 10:30
Di 1.1
Leading a Software-Architecture Revolution

Software-Architecture Revolution is the process of making profound, large-scale changes to the fundamental structures of software systems to improve its attributes, such as availability, scalability, and maintainability, or to enable new requirements that are incompatible with the current capabilities. Architectural revolution demands substantial effort from the organization and needs effective leadership to be successful. This talk draws from practical experiences (patterns) to improve the…

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Joseph Yoder
Raum 01
14:00 - 14:45
Di 1.2
These are not the architectures you’re looking for… What agile development needs from architecture

This is not about what an "Agile Architecture" could be. It is about the view from the opposite direction:
How can architecture work look like in order to act as an enabler to work in the spirit of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development?
There are answers to questions like.
•    Why is architecture documentation so rarely read?
•    How much technology focus is helpful and why?
•    What knowledge needs to be built by yourself in the first place?
•    What does programming have to do with…

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Michael Mahlberg
Raum 13a
, (Mittwoch, 31.Januar 2024)
17:00 - 18:00
Mi 1.4
How Process Orchestration Increases Agility Without Harming Architecture

A main theme in modern architectures is around fine-grained, isolated, reactive components, that are managed by autonomous teams (think microservices). This is considered key to decoupling, which, in turn, leads to business agility. Unfortunately, this often goes wrong and people end up with more tightly coupled systems, that are hard to understand and change - the opposite of agility. In this talk, I will explore why this happens and provide my view on how process orchestration can improve the…

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Bernd Rücker
Raum 13b
, (Donnerstag, 01.Februar 2024)
09:00 - 10:30
Do 1.1
Where do we go from here? – mastering the changed needs of architectural work

Designing good applications has become more demanding than ever: Extremely flexibility. Super-fast to change. Never down. Increasing user demands. Sustainability. Fewer developers. More AI. The list appears to be endless.
Many demands have not existed 10 or 15 years ago. Some have changed dramatically. Still, the discussions regarding architecture barely reflect that. In this session, we will take a look at how the architectural demands have changed and how to tackle the challenges of today…

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Effective Practices for Continuous Software Architecture

Continuous Software Architecture is an approach to software architecture that tries to move architecture from a set of up-front blueprints to a continually developed set of architectural knowledge and decisions. While a simple idea, actually putting it into practice can be difficult. In this talk we will briefly recap the idea of Continuous Software Architecture and then explore the key practices that are usually needed to achieve it, as well as the common problems and how to address them.


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Uwe Friedrichsen
Raum 05
Eoin Woods
Raum 05
Vortrag: Do 1.1-1
Vortrag: Do 1.1-2
