Thema: Use Cases
- Montag
03.02. - Dienstag
04.02. - Mittwoch
05.02. - Donnerstag
06.02. - Freitag
Good testing is full of challenges that need to be addressed to bridge the gaps and to improve. This interactive tutorial is about real-world examples of testing challenges from different areas (e.g., test mission, TDD, review and test design, design for testability, built-in quality) and how to overcome them in practice.
Attend this tutorial to
- get familiar with specific testing challenges based on real-world examples
- learn how these testing challenges have been solved
- share experiences on…
In dieser Sitzung erhaltet ihr aktuelles praktisches Wissen über die Bewertung von Softwarearchitekturen mit Schwerpunkt auf KI-basierter Software, im Hinblick auf Sicherheits- und Datenschutzanforderungen und darüber, wie man eine unsichere Architektur mit Hilfe von Schutzmaßnahmen und Best Practices verbessern kann, die aus dem OWASP AI Security and Privacy Guide und den aktuellen Top 10 der Sicherheitsprobleme von maschinellen Lernsystemen (OWASP Machine Learning Security Top 10) abgeleitet…
This session is dedicated to offloading and streamlining tasks of software engineers and IT architects to LLM-based AI. Experience how it can assist in creating real-world architectural decision records, making sense of complex system architectures, and generating enterprise architecture diagrams. Through interactive experiments, you'll see AI discovering, reviewing, and refining system architectures, producing professional architectural outputs or uncovering quality challenges in enterprise…
Corporate environments can be a tough nut to crack. Many departments and roles are involved, each with different priorities to yours, and you face changes that must be navigated. The Product Owner (PO) accountability, while critical, often doesn’t wield the power Scrum suggests. You can accept this status quo and focus on managing your backlog only, or take action and leverage your POwer to meet product needs and foster productive cross-department collaboration.
Join me if you want to:
- Discover…
In the pressure cooker of product development, success depends not just on processes but on the strength of informal networks—the trusted relationships that cut across hierarchies and silos. Companies that fail to cultivate these networks struggle to adapt, innovate, and deliver.
At this session, we will explore how to intentionally foster informal networks that drive product development forward and enable seamless collaboration across departments, ultimately aligning efforts with business goals…
What is the difference of a test architect to a commonly known software architect? And why do I need one? What do they have in common and where do they differ? Is there a gap where we need a bridge (Spoiler: yes)? What are the different expectations of other roles on a test architect?
Questions over questions which will be covered in this talk. With examples where it did go well because there was a test architect and examples where things got haywire maybe because a test architect was missing.
The objective of visual test automation is replace flaky and hard to read selectors with images. Many software packages offer the possibility of using images as selectors, but it rarely works reliably. Appium has the function "findElementByImage," Playwright has functions like "toHaveScreenshot." Code and no-code tools alike provide a number of options to tweak the sensitivity, where both, too low and to high values, produce their own set of artefacts. What makes this so difficult? Doesn't AI…
Die jährlichen Mengen an Elektronikschrott nehmen weltweit immer größere Ausmaße an. Software ist sehr häufig dafür verantwortlich, dass diese riesigen Abfallmengen überhaupt entstehen. Die negativen Umweltauswirkungen von Software betreffen mehrere Aspekte, denn steigende Anforderungen an Software führen häufig zu vorzeitiger Hardwareerneuerung. Das Umweltbundesamt hat diese Problematik unter anderem durch die Entwicklung des Umweltzeichens Blauer Engel für ressourcen- und energieeffiziente…
Jeder möchte in die Cloud. Unterwegs stellt man fest, dass der Weg dorthin oft lang und steinig ist.
Damit man die typischen Probleme vermeiden und Risiken reduzieren kann, stellen wir Lösungen vor, die sich in unserer Praxis bewährt haben.
Es werden Rehost- und Replatforming-Beispiele mit AWS und der Open Telekom Cloud vorgestellt. Dabei werden folgende Fragen beantwortet:
- Welche Stolperfallen gibt es und wie lassen sie sich vermeiden? Abkürzungen & Sackgassen
- Wie kann eine gute…
The development and deployment of AI and Generative AI systems in a way that promotes environmental, social, and economic well-being for current and future generations is referred to as sustainable AI. To do this, AI must be built with energy-efficient algorithms and run on renewable energy sources to reduce carbon footprints. Ethical considerations are crucial, ensuring that AI respects human rights and diversity while avoiding increasing disparities. Data management must uphold the ideals of…
Jährlich fließen große Investitionen in die Erstellung von Softwaresystemen. Diese erodieren aber mit der Zeit, behandelt man sie nicht pfleglich. Spätestens wenn z. B. aus dem Legacy-Code eine moderne SaaS-Lösung entstehen soll, rächt sich dieses Vorgehen. Wie soll das Entwicklungsteam agieren? Auf einen Greenfield-Ansatz setzen oder das Altsystem runderneuern? Wie lassen sich solche Probleme in Zukunft vermeiden? Welche Fallstricke lauern in der Praxis? Darauf möchte die vorliegende…
The pace of innovation in generative AI offers immense opportunities while also introducing new security challenges. As organizations seek to leverage generative AI for innovation, security leaders must take concrete steps to enable rapid experimentation without compromising security.
We will then discuss key strategies for securing generative AI applications, including threat modeling, guardrails, observability, and evaluation of effectiveness of security measures. Through case studies and…
GAIA-X is a strategic initiative of the European Union in order to support secure and trustworthy dataspaces. But what does it mean to set up a GAIA-X compliant data space, polished powerpoint aside?
In this presentation we will report about our experiences learned from almost three years' work in one of the GAIA-X lighthouse projects "COOPERANTS". COOPERANTS is the world’s only collaborative alliance of industry, SMEs and research institutes in the Aeronautics and space sector that solves…
Existierende Softwarearchitekturen stehen von Anfang an einer hohen Dynamik ihres Umfelds gegenüber. Anforderungen ändern sich, neue Technologien entstehen, technische Schulden häufen sich an. Der Vortrag zeigt, wie sich existierende Systeme so renovieren bzw. verbessern und integrieren lassen, dass ihre Nachhaltigkeit auch langfristig gesichert bleibt. Es illustriert, welche konkreten Maßnahmen sich wann und wie nutzen lassen.
- Motivation und Problemstellung
- Architekturbewertung
- Maßna…
In der modernen Unternehmensarchitektur ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen IT-Demand und IT-Supplier essenziell, um reibungslose Abläufe und nachhaltigen Erfolg zu gewährleisten. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Spannungsfelder zwischen IT-Demand und IT-Supplier, die oft durch Unwissenheit und mangelnde Feldkompetenz entstehen. Solche Herausforderungen können zu erheblichen Strömungsabrissen führen, die den Projekterfolg gefährden. Um diese Risiken zu minimieren, werden pragmatische…
Fitness functions are an essential part of evolutionary architectures – and they can also bring desired structures and properties to legacy code bases, step by step. But how do they look like in practice? What kinds of fitness do they check and assert?
After a general introduction to fitness functions we'll do a deep dive into some concrete examples, covering use cases for common architectural patterns. We'll see examples in Java code, based on ArchUnit and jMolecules. But the basic ideas and…
In dieser Session zeigt Kai, wie einfach es ist, RESTful Hypermedia APIs mit Spring zu entwickeln. Dabei wird Kai konkret auf die Spring-Projekte „Spring Data REST“ und „Spring HATEOAS“ eingehen.
Nach einer Einführung in HAL (Hypertext Markup Language) wird er zeigen, wie einfach es ist, eine Collection REST Resource zu implementieren, die HAL für Pagination verwendet.
Danach geht es weiter mit Spring HATEOAS. Kai erklärt die wichtigsten Grundlagen und zeigt dann am Beispiel von HAL-FORMS, wie…
Software development is a profession, discipline and industry obsessed with solutions. It places justifiably high value on answers... but what if we take a step back for a moment to consider that an answer arises as a response to a question? And, therefore, perhaps we should be placing more focus on asking questions.
The right questions can be more powerful in the long run than answers. Answers may shift as specific technologies change beneath our feet, but if we are able to frame the right…
EventStorming, collaborative modelling, bounded context canvas - now what?
Did you ever feel like you're standing in front of a mountain of cloud tools and implementation options, with a well-designed domain model, but no idea where to start? Or are you fully equipped with technical understanding and cloud experience, but deeply unsure how to "cut" your system for good modularization?
Fear not, because this workshop will introduce you to a solid set of tried and proven methods and tools, that…