Kostenfreier Microsoft Workshop auf der OOP

Produktivität steigern – einfacher gesagt als getan. Wie das aber als Developer wirklich funktioniert und wie Platform Engineering und KI hier am besten unterstützen erfahrt ihr in diesem 1-Tages-Workshop.
Track: Microsoft Workshop
- Mittwoch
Please note that the workshop consists of Part 1 (10:00 to 12:00) and Part 2 (13:00 to 15:00). To get the most out of this workshop you need to attend both parts.
Join us at this development-focused workshop designed to supercharge your developer productivity. If you want to learn how to tackle the unique challenges of developer velocity in large organizations, this session is for you. Have you ever wondered whether GitHub is the right DevOps platform for your organization? Do you want to…
Please note that the workshop consists of Part 1 (10:00 to 12:00) and Part 2 (13:00 to 15:00). To get the most out of this workshop you need to attend both parts.
Join us at this development-focused workshop designed to supercharge your developer productivity. If you want to learn how to tackle the unique challenges of developer velocity in large organizations, this session is for you. Have you ever wondered whether GitHub is the right DevOps platform for your organization? Do you want to…
Conclusion and Q&A after the Workshop
Boosting Developer Productivity with Platform Engineering and AI