Kostenfrei vom 4. bis 6. Februar 2025 zur OOP
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Besucht kostenfrei die Expo Area und lasst euch von zahlreichen Vorträgen und exklusiven Insiderberichten bei unseren Special Days inspirieren. Vernetzt euch bei der Welcome Reception oder dem legendären IT-Stammtisch und erlebt alle Keynotes von Dienstag bis Donnerstag hautnah.
sponsored | Mehr Agilität, geringere Kosten und höhere Flexibilität durch die Federated API Management Plattform von Kong
Mit der Federated API Management Plattform Kong Konnect erhalten Kunden eine umfassende Lösung, um APIs einheitlich zu entwickeln, zu betreiben, abzusichern, zu dokumentieren und zu verwalten.
Die zentrale Steuerung der Plattform ermöglicht zugleich eine dezentrale und effiziente Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Teams auf unterschiedlichen Infrastrukturen.
Dank dieser Flexibilität konnten Unternehmen, wie Raiffeisen Bank International, Siemens und viele weitere mehr Agilität gewinnen und gleichzeitig ihre Kosten reduzieren.
Tizian serves as the Head of Kong’s local business presence in Central Europe. Over the past four years, he has successfully established and grown the region, leveraging 15 years of experience in IT infrastructure software. Nearly half of his career has been dedicated to specializing in Open Source and Open Core technologies.
Sven is responsible for all technical questions, presentations and installations for Kong Inc. prospects in the API and services space in the European region. He has more than 20 years of experience with different enterprise IT solutions consuming, providing and managing APIs. He is currently focused on providing the world-class solutions for APIs, services and Developer Engagement.
In his professional career he soon focused on the idea of selling by providing consultancy in both the commercial and the technical space. Seeing is believing is one of his major concepts for presentations showing real systems instead of a stack of slides.
After having successfully completed studying economics he started his career on leading enterprise software companies being responsible for his home market Germany as well Europe, Middle East and Africa. He has been working for leading software vendors in development focused industries in technical driven presales roles ever since.
In addition, Sven used to be a .NET developer in his free time when not using his preferred UNIX based environments.