Side Events

Kostenfrei vom 4. bis 6. Februar 2025 zur OOP

Entdeckt die spannenden Side Events der OOP Konferenz!

Besucht kostenfrei die Expo Area und lasst euch von zahlreichen Vorträgen und exklusiven Insiderberichten bei unseren Special Days inspirieren. Vernetzt euch bei der Welcome Reception oder dem legendären IT-Stammtisch und erlebt alle Keynotes von Dienstag bis Donnerstag hautnah.

sponsored | Shared responsibility – how the energy transition will influence the way we build and run software

We're in the middle of the energy transition: from reliable, always-on and dirty fossil fuel to volatile but clean renewable energy. This means that requirements for when, where and how much energy to consume will change, in IT as anywhere else. In this talk, you'll learn what cloud providers' and software architecture's roles in this are, how the future energy market will affect IT systems and what software architects can do today to make sure their products aren't just ready for, but can even profit from this development.

Anita is neuland's digital sustainability expert who also worked as a software engineer in large scale e-commerce for over a decade. As a certified Circular Economy professional, Sustainable Tech specialist and Champion of the Green Software Foundation, she now helps IT companies understand and reduce the environmental impact of their IT and software landscape.

Anita Schüttler
11:00 - 11:45
Vortrag: FDo3

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